building a theology of hope


Hope plays a pivotal role in many of the greatest theologians in church history. This meditation embarks on a journey through the words of five famous theologians, each contributing a unique hue to the vibrant mosaic of hope. 1. Augustine of Hippo: The City of God. Augustine, the luminous mind of the early church, once […]

In its purest essence, hope is the stubborn refusal to give up on the future. It’s the unwavering belief that, no matter the odds or circumstances, a brighter tomorrow is possible. This meditation delves into the profound concept of hope through the lens of biblical references, revealing how it has sustained humanity through trials and […]

In shadows deep, where hope seemed far, Humanity wandered, marked by every scar, A world entwined in sin’s relentless night, Yearning for dawn’s first gentle light. Yet in the midst of our deepest despair, A whisper of hope filled the heavy air, A promise spoken through ages long, Of a Savior who’d right every earthly […]

This post explores the profound intersection between Christian theology and the psychology of hope. It investigates the psychological underpinnings of hope, its role in human well-being, and its significance within a Christian theological framework. By integrating psychological research with Christian theological insights, we can understand hope as both a psychological and spiritual phenomenon. The Psychological […]

In Christian theology, the study of hope has favored concepts over practice, theory over praxis.[1] Practical theology exists to build bridges between doctrine and action. Practical theologies of hope move in many directions. When hope is the remedy, despair is the diagnosis. Many start with problem and move to solution. Emil Brunner argued that “hope […]

The reformation’s gospel recovery and theological exploration had significant implications on hope theology. Martin Luther spoke pervasively to hope’s opposite. He was candid about his own experiences of hopelessness. On many occasions, he found himself in “the abyss of despair” wishing he had “not been born.”[1] His experience impacted his theology. For him, suffering was […]

A biblical theological approach to hope traces the theme through the redemptive historical storyline of Scripture. David Allan Hubbard argues that hope is woven through the fabric of the Old Testament, mere focus on the language of hope misses the breadth of the motif.[1] Hubbard states, “even their nomadic life – life on the move […]

In 420 A.D., Augustine wrote a manual for the Christian faith. He grounded his guide in the triad of faith, hope and love.[1] The entire work describes how “God should be worshipped in faith, hope, love” as it answers the question: “What should be believed, what should be hoped for, and what should be loved?”[2] […]

Paul makes this important statement in one of his letters, “our citizenship is in heaven, from which also we eagerly wait for a Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ” (Phil 3:21). Eagerly waiting for Christ is one element of the Christian life and vocation. He sums this up in his letter to Corinth as he describes […]

We put our finger on a core problem when we speak about hopelessness. It is a deeper issue than we thought. It is more pervasive than we imagined. It is multi-faceted and shows up in ways we didn’t anticipate. Jurgen Moltmann makes this astute observation about hopelessness. Hopelessness can assume two forms: it can be […]

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